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日式燒汁煎蠔 Pan fried oyster with Japanese BBQ sauce

煎急凍蠔不出水有一些小tips, 就是不完全解凍。在日本餐廳吃有關蠔的菜式, 如清酒蠔, 炸蠔, 往往採用急凍蠔。師父也不事先解凍。蠔取出只略冲,除了不易弄破蠔身,也可減低過火。若保蠔中心有一點冰凍, 當烹調時, 表層封鎖, 中心開始溶解, 蠔就變得濕潤了。當然,蠔必須冲洗乾淨並煮至熟透。

燒汁以料理酒, 醬油和味醂混合而成。我倒喜歡用日式燒肉汁(辛口)即時加入味醂和麻油做汁,方便快捷。

燒汁材料: 燒肉汁 1.5湯匙, 味醂 1湯匙, 麻油 適量

急凍蠔不需預先解凍, 從冰箱取出冲洗乾淨後,放上廚房紙, 底面印乾 ( 中心仍保留一點冰凍)

準備鐵pan, 細火預熱 ( 時間比平時長多1-2分鐘)。同時每隻蠔撲上粟粉或生粉, 落油, 放入蠔

Pan夠熱, 加上蠔撲了一㸃粉, 煎的過程没有出太多水。
反轉蠔, 灑一些鹽。掃上燒汁, 吸收了又再重覆, 一邊約3次。

反轉另一面, 重覆以上做法。保持細至中火。注意掃上味醂後容易燶。每邊約掃3次

把剩餘汁倒入熱pan中, 用餘温弄熱醬汁。一同拌食

1. 不完全解凍。保留中心少少冰凍。
2. 把煎到金黃色時才落鹽。因鹽會助長出水。
3. 鐵pan細火預熱時間比平時長一些。

Sauce Ingredients:
1.5 tbsp Japanese BBQ sauce (Roasted meat sauce)
1 tbsp mirin
sesame seed oil

1. No need to defrost the frozen oysters, rinse straight after take out from the freezer.  Then pat dry with kitchen towel ( the center remains a little bit icing).
2. Mix sauce.
3. Prepare a cast iron pan or carbon steel skillet. Preheat the pan a little bit longer than usual (Around 3 mins). At the same time, coat the oysters with a thin layer of cornstarch, shake and remove excess. Add oil in the pan, put oysters in and fry.
4. If the pan is hot enough and the oysters were already coated with cornstarch before frying,  there is limited oozing of fluid from the oysters. Then,  season with salt. Brush the sauce on each oyster, around 3 times.
5. Flip and continue to fry. Repeat brushing sauce on the other side over low to medium heat (Watch out as it will be browned very quickly with mirin). Off heat, Take out oysters on plate.
6. Then, Pour the remaining sauce into the hot pan to warm. Serve oysters with the sauce.

1. No need to defrost oysters completely. 
2. Season the oysters with a bit salt whenever the outer is dry and browned. 
3. Preheat cast iron or carbon steel skillet slightly longer than usual with low heat.


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