A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


傳統滾豬潤水 Traditional pork liver soup


天然豬潤 $10
薑片 約6-10片(視乎個人喜歡薑味的多少)
凍滾水 1.5碗浸,另加一碗煲
鹽 少許

1. 豬潤洗淨切片。
2. 加薑片及水浸,放雪櫃浸過夜或最少半天。

3. 取出,連浸水注入小煲,另加多大半至一碗水。
4. 滾起計5分鐘。熄火,落鹽調味,把湯過篩去除雜質。趁熱飲。

Ingredients :
$10 of natural or organic pig liver
6 to 10 fresh ginger pcs
1.5 bowl of tepid water for soaking plus 1 bowl for cooking
A pinch of salt

Method :
1. Rince and slice the pork liver.
2. Soak the liver in water with ginger pcs in fridge overnight or at least half day.
3. Bring it to room temperature. Pour liver with soaked water and ginger plus extra 1 bowl of water into a saucepan.
4. Medium heat, when bubbling,  continue to boil for 5 more mins. Season with salt.  Skim off the scum or drain the soup through a sieve. Serve hot.


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