A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


蜆肉粉絲蒸蛋 Steamed egg with clam and green bean vermicilli

一直說靠山吃山,靠海吃海。一點也沒有錯。細細個在西貢長大,過着村孩生活。所玩的是去溪澗捉蝦,游水,捉金獅貓。最快樂莫過於在水退時去西沙灣摸蜆,挖掘一下,就在黑黑的沙中找到一堆堆又大又肥的蜆。行入水退的海中心,會踩到尖型物體。嘩! 不得了,是帶子呢!要用力把它從沙中抽出,少一點氣力都不成功。此外,行到橋咀島一帶, 翻開大石, 找到石頭螺,眼睛發光, 最鮮味不過還有很多很多貝殼類,海胆等等,歷歷在目。

蜆跟花甲是貝殼類但有點不同,前者較小,個人覺得較鮮甜。食譜是兒時媽媽經常做的蜆肉蒸蛋。不是水蛋那種質感。蜆肉出水,加水蒸蛋帶點水汪汪。做法反而用粉絲吸收多餘水份,粉絲也吸收蜆肉的精華, 大啖大啖吃!

新鮮蜆肉 約1碗 
雞蛋 4隻
薑絲 小半碗
粉絲 小半扎 (浸凍水10分鐘)
鹽,糖,胡椒粉 各少許
蔥白 2湯匙
蔥花 適量(後下)
油 1-2湯匙
生抽 (後下)

1. 蜆肉放入篩,去除碎蜆殼,重複沖洗,濾走沙同雜質至水清 。之後隔水約15分鐘

2. 打開雞蛋,發勻。取幼篩,濾出蛋液,泡泡棄掉。
3. 把其餘材料及調味混合(除生抽及青葱花)。
4. 注入蛋液於(3),輕力拌勻。

5. 把蒸缽放入蒸架上,開火至水滾。之後注入蜆肉蛋液。大火蒸4分鐘 (兜底不接觸滾水),之後焗住5分鐘。

6. 最後,灑上生抽,白胡椒粉及葱花,即成。蜆肉鮮甜無沙,加入粉絲後,蒸蛋也很滑啊!

1. 沒有新鮮蜆肉,購買原隻後,用薄刀左右落一刀,切斷中間帶子位便能打開了。
2. 個別爐火有異, 請調節。蒸時,兜底要高於水份。 
3. 使用瓦缽或瓷碟比不鏽鋼碟為佳,後者傳熱快,蛋易過火。
4. 食譜使用蒸架(steamer

Around 1 bowl of Fresh clam meat  
4 pcs eggs 
1/3  bowl of ginger (thinly sliced) 
1/3 bunch of green bean vermicilli (soaked for 10 mins)
A little bit sugar,salt and ground white pepper
2 tbsp chopped scallion (white part)
A little big chopped scallion (green part)
1-2 tbsp cooking oil
Light soy sauce

1. Put the clam meat in a colander,  remove broken shells. Rinse the meat under running water until the water is clear without sand and impurities. Drain for around 15 mins.
2. Whisk eggs, strain it through a fine sieve, discard bubbles.
3. Mix all the ingredients and seasonings  (except light soy sauce and green scallion).
4. Add (2) into (3), gently mix.
5. Put the container in the steamer, turn on high heat until water is boiling. Pour the egg mixture in the container,  cover, steam for 4 mins. Off heat, keep the egg mixture in steamer for further 5 mins with cover。
6. Remove eggs  from the steamer, season with light soy sauce and ground white pepper. Add green scallion, serve hot. The clam is sweet and yummy.

1. If there is no store-bought fresh clam meat, just open fresh clam shell with a thin fruit knife.
2. The power of each gas stove differ, pls adjust. Avoid the bottom of the container touching the hot water during steaming.
3. Steaming eggs with stoneware is better than stainless steel plate as the latter has quick heat diffusion that causing eggs overcooked very easily.
4. I use steamer for the recipe.


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