A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


上湯芝士龍蝦伊麵 Lobster e-fu noodles in cheese soup

龍蝦伊麵的簡易懶人版。不需泡油, 不用牛油起鑊, 配任何海鮮均可, 如大蝦, 大頭蝦, 蟹, 甚至魚枊。湯底材料絶對是每個家庭常備的雞湯與片裝芝士, 芝士比重相比其他食譜較輕, 不會太滯口。不需花巧, 蘑菇連伊麵也掛滿芝士上湯, 十分簡單,十級美味。人人都做得到。

5人份量材料: 龍蝦尾開邊去腸 6隻, 白菌 2包, 伊麵 2個, 粟粉/生粉
湯底: 清雞湯2盒細 400ml, 片裝車打芝士 3片, 少許鹽, 黒白胡椒碎, 糖

Ingredients for 5: 6 lobster tails, 2 packs of white button mushroom, 2 numbers of e-fu noodles, corn starch
Soup: 400ml chicken stock, 3 slices of cheddar cheese, sugar, ground white and black pepper, salt

龍蝦洗淨, 印乾, 肉部分撲上粟粉
Wash the lobsters and dry with kitchen paper, pat some corn starch on the meat side

落2-3湯匙油, 煎香兩邊至金黄(7-8成熟), 灑上鹽
Heat 2-3 tablespoon of oil, pan fry the lobsters until slightly brown(70-80% doneness), sprinkle with sea salt

Take out from the pan and reserve

同時煮伊麵, 隔水放上碟
Boil e-fu noodles at the same time, bring it on a plate after drain

中大火炒香蘑菇, 落少許白胡椒粉
Saute mushroons in medium to high heat, sprinkle with some white pepper

加入雞湯, 待滾起後放入芝士, 攪拌
Bring chicken stock to boil, then cheese, stir to mix well

準備少許粟粉水打芡, 稍杰身
Prepare corn starch water to thicken the soup

放回龍蝦, 中大火煮1-2分鐘, 攪勻
Bring the lobsters back, turn to medium to high heat, further boil for 1-2 mins, mix well

把龍蝦放上伊麵, 淋上芝士上湯, 灑上少許黑椒碎
Put lobsters on the noodles, pour soup on top, season with ground black pepper

1. 2盒雞湯即400ml 是濃郁版, 想清淡一些, 只需雞湯200ml 加 2碗水。
2. 任何易溶的軟芝士或半軟芝士也可(melting cheese)。
3. 想芝士味濃一些, 可增加芝士份量, 甚至混合幾款芝士。

1. For lighter flavor, use 200ml of chicken stock plus 2 bowls of water.
2. Replace cheddar slices to any kind of melting cheese (soft or semi-soft cheese)
3. For more cheese flavor, adjust the amount of slice cheese or mixed cheese.



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