A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


紙包白松露油酸豆白鱈魚 Parchment wrapped French cod fish with white truffle oil and capers

用焗爐紙(parchment paper)包起食材放入焗爐焗是非常方便快捷的做法。也大大保留食材的水份。是懶人菜之選。有一㸃要留意, parchment paper和wax baking paper是不一樣的。前者稍貴一㸃, 有防黏塗層。而且可耐熱高逹210度, 抗濕能力也强。好適合作紙包菜式及焗爐使用。後者有蠟面, 能防黏著也耐濕。但不能置於高温中, 蠟會溶解於食物,也產生怪異味道。

食材中的西班牙酸豆可在各大超市購買。味道酸酸鹹鹹。特別配襯海鮮及油脂豐富的食材解肥膩感。有些酸豆特別酸, 可先用水浸數分鐘。有些酸度不足, 可把酸豆微微壓出味。但浸住酸豆的鹽水和醋則可棄掉。

1. 白鱈魚扒或其他鱈魚(洗浄, 印乾,以白胡椒粉及鹽略醃)
2. 牛油一件切粒 (約1cm厚)
3. 洋蔥 少量
4. 乾辣椒2隻, 其中一隻可切碎提升辣度
5. 酸豆 1-2湯匙, 用匙羹微微壓出味
6. Dill 香草 適量
7. 海鹽 適量
8. 橄欖油1.5湯匙
9. 白松露油 少量

1. 預熱焗爐190度
2. 準備一張較大的焗爐紙
3. 把鱈魚放上焗爐紙, 先灑一㸃鹽, 放放上Dill香草, 酸豆, 辣椒, 洋蔥, 牛油, 再灑少許鹽, 最後橄欖油
4. 用焗爐紙包好。確定没有漏
5. 放入焗爐, 190度焗 18-20分鐘。
6. 取出, 灑上白松露油及少許檸檬汁

非常易做無難度, 鱈魚很嫩滑, 充滿油香。不防跟capers一起吃。味道很夾呀!

1. A pc of French cod fish or other cod fish (rinse and dry, marinate with salt and white pepper)
2. A knob of butter(around 1cm thick, cut into cubes)
3. A bit onion
4. 1 to 2 pc of dried chilli (slice 1 for mild spicy flavour)
5. 1 to 2 spoonful of Spain capers (slightly press with a metal spoon)
6. A handful of Dill
7. Sea salt
8. 1.5 tablespoon extra vigin olive oil
9. White truffle oil

1. Preheat oven at 190 degrees Celsius
2. Place a big pc of parchment paper on a worktop
3. Place the cod fish on, sprinkle with some salt and dill, capers, chilli, onion, butter. Sprinkle with some more sea salt, then olive oil at last
4. Well covered and packed the fish
5. Bake at 190 degrees Celsius for 18-20 mins
6. Take out from the oven, drizzle with some white truffle oil and squeeze a few drops of fresh lemon juice to serve


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