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茄汁蝦碌 Pan fried prawn with tomato sauce

人見人愛的茄汁蝦碌是每個家庭會做的菜式。茄汁厚薄, 顏色深淺, 各有分別。個人認為要蝦碌好味, 蝦殼要煎得焦香才好吃。就像乾煎蝦碌一樣。每隻蝦都掛上茄汁。很開胃。

大蝦(海虎蝦, 中蝦,花竹蝦, 急凍或新鮮也可), 切開取腸, 洗淨印乾
蔥 3條 (分開蔥白和靑蔥部分)
薑片 3片
茄汁 1/2碗
喼汁 2湯匙
糖 1-2湯匙
熱水 1碗
鹽 少許
油 2湯匙
紹興酒 1瓶蓋

鐵pan(黑鼎)夠鑊氣, 要比平時預熱更長時間, 小火約5分鐘。放油, 爆香薑片, 之後蝦。當有焦香味才反, 在兩邊灑上少許鹽。蝦6成熟便可

放上蔥白, 灑酒, 蓋上10秒。取出蝦備用

把材料4-7混合, 倒入熱pan, 較細火, 略煮。試味後若有需要可略加糖, 喼汁等。 把蝦放回茄汁中, 攪拌, 把餘下蔥放上, 蓋上, 轉中火, 煮1分鐘。熄火焗住1分鐘

很醒胃的茄汁蝦碌。蝦殼很香, 蝦肉彈牙鮮味

Live or frozen prawn (deveined, rinse and dry)
3 pc ginger pieces
3 stalks spring onion (separate white and green part)
1/2 bowl of ketchup
2 tablespoon of Worcestershire sauce
1-2 tablespoons sugar
1 bowl of hot water
A bit salt
2 tablespoon oil
1 bottle cap of Chinese cooking wine

1. Prepare a cast iron skillet or carbon steel pan, preheat for 5 mins in low heat.
2. Add oil, fry ginger until fragrant. Add prawn then, fry and flip if there is char on the shell (medium done). Season with plenty of salt on both side.
3. Bring the white part of spring onion on the prawn. Drizzle with a bottle cap of Chinese cooking wine, cover immediately for 10 seconds. Take out prawn and set aside.
4. Mix the sauce of ingredients 4-7, pour into the hot pan, keep low heat. Taste and add extra sugar or Worcestershire sauce if necessary.
5. Bring the prawn back with the remaining spring onion. Stir fry,  cover and cook in medium heat for 1 min. Off heat, open the lid 1 min later. Serve hot.


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