A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


烤青檸蜜糖排骨 Grilled pork ribs in honey and lime sauce

用檸檬或青檸入菜絶對開胃醒神。這食譜中西均可。換轉一排排的豬肋骨back ribs..煮多一㸃醬淋上及拌食時加沙津菜, 灑上黑椒碎便成為西式菜式了。有一點要注意, 醃肉時只用皮, 過早加入酸性的青檸或檸檬汁會破壞肉的質感。

食譜中使用的是本地“健營豬”。價錢貴一㸃㸃。跟据健營豬的介紹: 全部是本地飼養,豬場位於元朗八鄉。「健營豬」餵食的飼料以飯及有機豆腐渣為主,飯是來自學校學生吃剩的飯盒及其他地方收回來的廚餘,再配以黃豆粉和天然飼料,不用哮喘藥、抗生素、瘦肉精,任由豬隻自自然然地成長,因此健營豬的肉質與別不同,其脂肪及水份的含量較坊間其他豬種為少,蛋白質卻較高,豬肉的鮮味自然較濃,最重要是完全沒有一般豬肉的腥臭味!

確實肉質像細個吃的豬肉一樣, 有彈性, 爽脆, 少油脂。特別是它的一字排, 每次都讚!

材料: 一字排切粒, 用鹽, 生粉, 白胡椒, 青檸皮(保留少許), 油先醃, 生粉(炸粉)。

青檸醬: 青檸大size 1個或細泰國青檸3個榨汁, 蔗糖約2湯匙, 野生荔枝蜜或其他1湯匙, 2湯匙水

Ingredients: pork ribs in cubes, marinate with salt, ground white pepper, lime zest(reserve a bit), oil and corn starch. Corn starch(for grill).

Lime sauce: 1 big sized lime juice or 3 small sized lime from Thailand, 2 tablespoon of sugar, 1 tablespoon of Litchi honey or others, 2 tablespoon of water

排骨醃數小時, 放室温半小時, 每粒撲㸃生粉, 預熱焗爐grill 230度。焗架掃上油, 放上排骨, 灑上鹽。先放中高層grill 15分鐘。再放較高一層, grill 5-7分鐘, 要反轉一次

After few hours marinate,  bring it to room temperature. Coat each pork ribs in corn starch. Remove excess. Preheat oven and turn to grill 230 degrees Celsius, brush oil on the oven rack and place pork ribs on it. Grill for 15mins at middle position, put the rack at upper area for further 5-7 mins. Flip once

取出, 準備青檸醬
Take out from the oven, prepare lime sauce

把青檸汁及水放入, 之後加一湯匙糖。由細火轉中火, 待糖溶解, 試味再逐少加入。熄火加入1湯匙honey

Bring the lime sauce ingredients into a saucepan,  From low heat to medium heat, put 1 tablespoon of sugar first, then add the remaining according to the sourness of the lime sauce. Off heat then, add 1 tablespoon of honey together

趁青檸蜜仍熱, 快速把排骨放入, 攪勻。每粒排骨都有醬汁包住
Bring the grilled pork ribs into the hot sauce immediately, mix well and coat each rib with the honey lime sauce

最後灑上剩餘青檸皮, 好吃又開胃。健營豬肉質爽脆。正!
Garnish with the remaining lime zest, the pork ribs are refreshing with very good texture. Yummy!

The pork ribs could be grilled by air fryer or deep fry with oil .


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