A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


自家製煙三文魚無花果沙律, 煙燻做法 Homemade smoked salmon and fig salad, preparation of smoke food

在家中做煙燻令很多人卻步..怕大煙? 擔心有味? 用什麼起煙?? 聽講要用一隻爛鑊喎? 如果你認識了以下的元素, 便能享受煙燻菜式的美味和變化了。

1. 冒煙元素: 澱粉質, 如米( 红米, 糙米), 穀, 麵粉,乾枝, 如木材, 木屑(apple wood, oak wood, mango wood等), 乾花瓣, 糖

2. 上色元素: 茶葉, 如黒茶, 红茶

3. 氣味元素: 有香味的乾材料, 玫瑰花, 黑椒, 八角,   香葉, 橡木, 玫瑰木或部分較香的茶, 如Earl grey 茶

4. 煙燻工具: 爛鑊舊鑊無問題, 最重要是安全可高温空燒無塗層的鍋具。 那些易潔鑊, 琺瑯, 甚至不鏽鋼也不適合。除了破壞鍋具外。更會釋出有毒物質。生鐵熟鐵鍋 (黑鼎) 相對更適合, 也可繼續使用。一張比鍋具大一㸃的錫紙, 用作保護隻pan同時包着蓋防漏煙

5. 煙燻時間: 要視乎那種食物。一般開火一兩分鐘   先冒煙。燻蛋, 魚短時間便夠了。煙肉則長少少。想煙味濃一㸃, 熄火後遲一㸃打開蓋。但過長會有焦燶味。

6. 燻煙貼士: 不想食物太燻黄儘量不用糖和茶葉(特別黑茶)。一般正常份量的煙燻材料可持續15-20分鐘冒煙(麵粉白米更快)。皆因米受熱爆開, 開始燒焦。相對, 大部分材料亦開始焦燶, 不宜繼續。如必須把肉同時烤熟。要把錫紙和煙燻材料棄掉。
红米糙米有殻, 較遲冒煙。更適合一些需要耐煙燻的食物。

Homemade smoked salmon...即煙即吃, 鹹香鲜嫩。用刺身三文魚, 煙燻後滲出魚油...很美味!!

1. Kosher salt 少過一湯匙
2. 黑椒原粒及半茶匙磨碎
3. 香葉 bay leaf

做法: 把鹽塗刷每一面, 把其他香料放在三文魚面及底。 醃12-24小時, 之後冲走香料及鹽, 用紙印乾

Marinate a piece of sashimi grade salmon (4 inches long):
1. Kosher salt, less than 1 tablespoon
2. Whole black peppercorn and 1/2 tea spoon of ground black pepper
3. Bay leaf

Method: rub the salt onto the salmon and mix well with spices. Marinate for 12-24 hours then rinse and dry

煙燻材料: 白米一手份量, apple wood, 香葉數片, 黑椒原粒
Smoke ingredients: a pinch of white rice, apple wood, few pcs of bay leaf and some whole black peppercorn

中火, 當開始冒白煙, 把三文鱼放上架, 蓋上並用凸出鍚紙包着蓋以封着隙縫
Medium heat, place the salmon on a rack whenever there is whitish smoke. Cover with a lid, use the extended foil to seal the gap between the cover and the pan

調較細至中火, 煙燻 5 - 10分鐘 (由半熟至全熟), 我的時間是5分鐘(半生熟)
Turn to low to medium heat, smoke for 5 - 10 mins ( from medium to well done), I took 5 mins for medium cook

When finished, remove the lid immediately

Set aside

把沙律菜, 無花果(切4份), 藍莓洗淨。加入extra virgin olive oil和黑醋混合。再放上三文魚, 灑上少許黑椒碎
Rinse salad vegi, figs (quarter) and blueberries. Mix well with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. Then smoked salmon, sprinkle with plenty of ground black pepper

鹹香, 嫩滑加無花果的甜, 醋的酸....豐富味蕾又賞心悦目。。大愛。

1. 不要令三文魚太燻黄, 所以茶葉不合適。
2. 没有apple wood, 用玫瑰花茶也可。
3. Kosher salt味很鹹, 醃漬燻煙食品作防腐很普遍, 給予味道同時能保存肉質水份。使醃肉份外嫩滑。

1. It is not suitable to use any tea to smoke salmon as original color cannot be maintained (looks dark).
2. Replace apple wood to rose tea.
3. Kosher salt is salty, very common in curing meat that moisture of meat can be kept.


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