A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


羅勒蜆肉鮮茄扁麵 Basil, clam and fresh tomatoes linguine

新鮮蜆肉做pasta, 非常鲜甜且沒有雪藏的腥味。在家中也可品嚐餐廳級數的西式意粉了。

材料: 鮮拆蜆肉(有淨蜆肉買), 鮮茄2-3個去皮切粒, 羅勒數支, extra virgin Olive oil 3湯匙, 蒜,乾蔥頭各4粒 (切片), 乾辣椒 1-2隻, 扁麵或其他意粉(先煮, 跟包裝袋時間少2分鐘)

調味: 海鹽, 糖, Thyme, 黑椒碎, 茄汁 2湯匙

Ingredients: fresh clam meat, 2 fresh tomatoes (peel and dice), 3 stalks of basil, 3 tablespoon of extra vigin olive oil, garlic and shallots (slice), 1-2 pc of dry chili, a pack of linguine or others (boil first, 2 mins less than the time provided)

Seasonings: sea salt, sugar, Thyme, ground black pepper, 2 tablespoon of tomato sauce(ketchup)

放蜆肉入篩, 置於水中左右轉動去除沙石, 重覆幾次, 印乾水
Leave the clam in water through a collander, turn it clockwise and anticlockwise to remove sand and mud. Repeat then dry with kitchen paper

細火, 熱olive oil, 慢慢爆香蒜片, 乾蔥頭, 乾辣椒至olive oil 充滿蒜香。加入蕃茄, 灑少許糖, 鹽。保持細火, 炒到蕃茄軟身
Low heat, saute garlic, shallots and dry chili with olive oil until fragrant. Add tomatoes, fry till soft. Sprinkle with plenty of sugar, sea salt

加入蜆肉, 灑上Thyme香草, 黑椒碎
Add the clam, sprinkle with Thyme and ground black pepper

Then Basil ( reserve little bit)

混合後, 加入茄汁, 試味後跟個人口味加入鹽, 糖
Add tomato sauce and mix well. Season with extra salt and sugar if necessary. 

放入扁麵及剩餘羅勒, 熄火, 混合
Bring the pasta and remaining basil together, off heat then mix well

上碟, 再灑一㸃黑椒碎和Thyme, 在麵上添加少許松露油或olive oil. 啖啖蜆肉, 每條麵都掛滿充滿蒜油香的汁。。開胃呀!
Serve with extra black pepper and Thyme. Drizzle a few drops of truffle oil or extra vigin olive oil. The clam is sweet and fresh..so good!

没有Thyme, oregano 或sage 跟蜆都夾。
Replace Thyme to Oregano or sage which are good to eat with clam.