A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


鹹青檸麵豉雞翼 Braised chicken wings in salted lime and miso sauce

鹹檸七與鹹檸蜜是經典飮品, 除泰國餐廳外, 很多茶餐廳均有。朋友給我自家醃漬的鹹青檸是年多前的製作。已經很純厚, 皮也甘香不太鹹。相比鹹檸檬, 皮會厚一㸃㸃。用作入菜, 酸甜中帶㸃果皮的甘香。很喜歡!

1. 到九龍城購買大粒青檸
2. 洗浄, 用熱水冲洗去爉
3. 印乾後再吹乾半天
4. 消毒玻璃瓶, 放一層海鹽, 一層青檸, 重覆, 最頂一層用鹽封住
5. 收藏在乾爽櫃內

Making salted lime:
1. Select big size of lime (fr Thai grocery store)
2. Wash and rinse with hot water to remove wax
3. Dry with kitchen paper, then continue to air dry for 1/2 day
4. Disinfect a glass bottle by boiling. Place a layer of sea salt into the bottle, bring limes on top, repeat salt then limes, put salt at last
5. Store in a dry and clean area

材料: 雞翼16件(洗淨印乾), 薑片10片切薄, 乾蔥頭 5粒, 片糖半磚, 黄糖少許, 老抽少許, 日本麵豉 1湯匙, 鹹青檸1.5個, 熱水1.5-2碗

Ingredients: chicken wings(16pc, wash and dry), ginger (10pc, finely cut),  5pc of shallots, 1/2 slab sugar, a bit of brown sugar, little bit dark soya sauce, 1 tablespoon of miso, 1.5 pc of salted lime, 1.5-2 bowls of hot water

熱油, 爆香乾蔥頭和薑片
Heat oil, stir fry ginger and shallots

放入雞翼略炒, 加少許老抽上色
Then stir fry the chicken wings with little bit dark soya sauce to enhance coloring

鹹青檸微微壓爛, 跟麵豉, 片糖一同放進煲內, 加熱水細火煮7分鐘, 蓋上
Gently crush the salted lime, then bring it into the pot with miso, slab sugar and water, cover, simmer for 7 mins

Take out the chicken wings

開大火把汁煮濃, 同時試味後加多少許黄糖, 打薄芡
Thicken the sauce with little bit corn starch water, add somemore brown sugar to balance the sourness

較小火, 放回雞翼多煮數分鐘, 熄火
Turn to low heat, bring back the chicken wings,  cook further few mins. Off heat then

做法和味道有㸃像酸梅鴨, 卻多了一份甘香的果皮味。汁濃且送到飯


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