A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


烤泰式紅咖哩大蝦配茄子 Grilled prawn and egg plant with Thai red curry

大蝦和泰式咖哩是很多人的至愛, 這食譜只用花一㸃心思切切洗洗, 没有複雜的煮法卻吃到惹味的燒大蝦。蝦是選用急凍泰國U6海蝦, 肉厚彈牙。選用新鮮花蝦也可。蝦頭又多膏, 配上淡淡的泰式紅咖哩, 不搶過蝦本身的鮮味。好味道!

1. 大蝦 5隻
2. 泰式茄子
3. 香茅 5支(三支拍扁切幼), 金不换和青檸葉適量
4. 泰式紅咖哩醬 1包(blue elephant red curry)
5. 鮮茄 1個大
6. 鹽, 魚露, 青檸汁各少許
7. 椰漿 400ml
8. 乾蔥頭 4粒

1. Big prawn 5pc
2. Thai egg plant
3. Lemongrass 5 sticks(press 3 sticks and cut into pieces) some basil and kaffir lime
4. Thai red curry paste 1 pack (blue elephant red curry)
5. Tomato 1pc big size
6. Salt, fish sauce and lime juice
7. Coconut milk 400ml
8. 4 cloves of shallots

茄子切開, 放入部分香茅, 青檸葉, 灑上鹽及油。200度焗10-15分鐘
Halve the egg plant, put part of the lemongrass and kaffir lime in, sprinkle with salt and oil. Bake at 200 degrees Celsius for 10 to 15 mins

左上: 熱油爆香乾蔥頭, 之後紅咖哩醬
左下: 加入蕃茄粒炒, 加少許糖
右: 倒入棷汁, 細火略煮5, 6分鐘, 熄火加少許魚露及少許青檸汁, 放涼備用

Red curry
Upper Lt: heat oil, saute shallots and red curry pasta
Lower Rt: then stir fry the tomatoes, sprinkle with little bit sugar
Rt: pour coconut milk, simmer for 5 to 6 mins, off heat, add little bit fish sauce and lime juice. Cool and reserve

大蝦不要預先解凍。從冰箱取出略冲水至軟身。剪開蝦殻, 把蝦放平(不要完全切開), 去除蝦腸
No need to defrost the frozen prawn in advance. Take out from the freezer, rinse prawn under running water until slightly soft. Cut and flat the prawn, remove vein

蝦印乾, 灑上鹽, 放上切幼香茅和金不換
Dry the prawn, sprinkle with some salt, cut lemongrass and basil

Bring the prawns onto the baked eggplant

Pour red curry on the prawn

用錫紙輕輕蓋上蝦身, 放入預熱焗爐, 較grill 230度烤5分鐘, 取走錫紙。再烤9分鐘。 放高一格, 較240度烤多1分鐘
Loosely cover the shrimp with a pc of foil except the head, preheat oven, grill for 5 mins. Take away the foil and further grill for 9 mins. Level up the oven rack to continue grill for 1 min at 240 degrees Celsius

加上幾滴青檸汁, 趁熱吃呀!
Season with a few drops of lime juice, serve hot.


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