A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


炆檸樂薑牛肋條 Braised beef short ribs with ginger, coke and lemon

Vermicular 鑄鐵鍋食譜:煲檸樂及可樂煲薑一定不會陌生。把三者加牛肋條用鐵煲炆,效果帶點滋補,腍滑,也特別適合涼一點的天氣。牛肉與肉汁也渗着可樂薑的味道。不錯!


美國牛肋條 1包 (切條飛水,再冲洗)
檸檬 1.5個, 去核(多檸檬皮會帶苦)
可樂 1罐
香葉 3片
蔗糖 2茶匙
鮮薑連皮 一大件拍扁
新鮮百里香 1束

1. 落油,爆香薑及香葉,之後牛肋條,灑鹽調味。
2. 注入一罐可樂,1個檸檬片及一束新鮮百里香。
3. 蓋上,先中火直至有蒸氣在煲邊噴出。調低至最細火(電磁爐先較7,之後2)。煮1小時15分鐘至1.5小時(熄火前15分鐘加入剩餘檸檬)。
4. 熄火後,用勺去除浮面油。試味,加入2茶匙糖調味(或隨個人口味加多減少),中火煮5分鐘收汁。

1. 任何鑄鐵煲均可。
2. 若用其他煲,鑊,陶瓷煲等。滾起較細火炆至腍。

1 pack of Australia or US short ribs (cut, blanched and rinsed )
1.5 pc of lemon,remove seed (sliced)
1 can of Coke
3 pcs bay leaf
2 tsp brown sugar
A big chunk of fresh ginger with peel (pressed)
A bunch of fresh Thyme

1. Dry the short ribs after wash.
2. Prepare a Vermicular cast iron pot or others. Heat oil and saute ginger and bay leaves , short ribs at last . Then, sprinkle with a bit salt. 
3. Pour a can of Coke, 1 lemon slices and Thyme. 
4. Cover,  bring it to a boil over medium heat until steam is found at the edge of the lid. Reduce heat to very low (for IH from 7 to 2).
5. Cook for 1 hr 15 mins to 1.5 hour. Add in the remaining lemon slices 15 mins prior to heat off. 
6. Off heat, remove fat. Turn on the heat again, boil for 5 mins at medium to reduce the sauce. At the same time, add 2 tsp of brown sugar. 

1. Cook with any other cast iron casserole. 
2. If using other kind of cookwares, like stainless steel, ceramic, cook with low heat after boiling until the short ribs are tender.


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