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上海糖醋排骨 Shanghai sweet and sour pork ribs


上海菜講求濃油赤醬,味道和諧。調味材料必有鎮江醋,糖, 花雕酒。配合少部分生抽,老抽;鹽相對少。


一字排 5支骨斬半(選多骨少肉部分)
鎮江醋 半碗
糖 大半碗
花雕酒 約2湯匙

生抽 1湯匙
酒 1湯匙
鹽 少許
白胡椒粉 少許
生粉 1.5湯匙 (臨炸先撈入)

1. 一字排洗淨印乾。混合醃料(最好醃一晚)。取出放室溫,撈入生粉。
2. 準備油炸,燒熱油至八成熱, 放入排骨,慢慢炸熟,保持中火。取出, 開大火,燒滾油,翻炸至金黃。
3. 取出排骨隔油,立即放入熱pan。之後加入醋,糖,生抽老抽。中大火煮至汁濃。同時試味再依個人口味,逐少調節醋和糖的味道。
4. 當汁收濃和杰身。倒入花雕酒。熄火,撈勻即成。

1. 菜式示範當天衹略醃並選用生粉,炸前才落。師傅平時做法是在醃骨時撈入適量麵粉。包住每件骨,形成炸漿。
2. 喜歡有點薑味,在醃肉時加入薑米。
3. 醋與糖份量隨個人喜好增多減少。每加入醋便追加少許糖平衡味道。
4. 最後落酒,熄火。能減少酒味揮發。
5. 若給小孩或老人家進食。把醃好的排骨先蒸腍才炸。

5 pcs pork ribs, chop into half (choose less meaty ribs)
1/2 bowl Zhenjian vinegar
2/3 bowl caster cane sugar
1 tbsp dark soy sauce (for colouring)
1 tbsp light soy sauce (for salty flavour)
2 tbsp Chinese rice wine

Pork marinades:
1 tbsp light soy sauce
1 tbsp Chinese rice wine
A little bit salt
A little bit ground white pepper
1.5 tbsp potato starch (mix in the ribs before deep fry)

1. Wash and dry the pork ribs.
2. Mix with marinade except potato starch. 3. Refrigerate overnight. Bring it back to room temperature next day, thinly coat each rib with potato starch.
4. Preheat oil to moderate hot. Deep-fry the pork ribs until they are cooked through over medium heat.
5. Remove ribs from hot oil and drain.
6. Reheat oil until very hot. Put the ribs back and deep fry again until each rib is golden brown. Remove from hot oil and drain.
7. At the same time, preheat another pan, put ribs into the pan. Then, pour vinegar, sugar, dark and light soy sauce. Stir and cook until the sauce is thick and intense in flavour. Taste, adjust sugar and vinegar. Add rice wine, off heat. Serve hot.

1. I add potato starch into the ribs before deep-fry. However, it is better to add plain flour instead when marinate the pork ribs just like batter for deep frying.
2. You may add fine diced ginger into marinades for mild ginger flavour.
3. Add more or less of sugar and vinegar for desired flavour. But sugar should be slightly more than vinegar.
4. The rice wine should be added at last for retaining its fragrant. 
5. If the pork ribs are cooked for children or elderly, steam the pork ribs first before deep-frying. The ribs would be more tender.


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