A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


香煎魚肉豬肉餅 Pan-fried fish and meat patty



免治豬肉 1份,約1碗(以白胡椒粉,鹽,薑汁,糖,生抽略醃)
鯪魚肉 1.5份,約1.5碗 (如手剁,以1-1.5茶匙鹽調味,加入少許生粉水)
甘筍 2湯匙(切幼粒)
Parsnip 2湯匙 (切幼粒)
蕃莤/芫荽 2湯匙 (切幼)
辣椒粉 1茶匙

麻油 1湯匙
魚露 1湯匙
辣椒 1隻(切粒)

1. 剁好魚肉及豬肉,調味後冷藏一小時。

2. 煎前把所有材料混合,用手搓勻。手掌濕少許水,取一小球造成小肉餅。
3. 沾上生粉,把肉餅煎熟及煎至金黃。期間用蓋蓋上並灑少許鹽調味。

4. 混合調味汁拌食。

1. 蔬菜部分隨個人喜歡更改,如馬蹄,三式燈籠椒,辣椒,其他香草等。
2. 剁魚肉時不能沾上薑,由於豬肉內有薑汁。不宜把兩者過早混合以破壞魚肉彈性。

1 portion of minced pork, around 1 bowl (marinated with fresh ginger sauce, ground white pepper, salt, sugar and light soy sauce)
1.5 portion of minced fish, around 1.5 bowl (marinated with salt and corn starch slurry)
2 tbsp fine carrot cubes
2 tbsp fine parsnip cubes
2 tbsp corriander or parsley (chopped)
1 tsp chili powder

Dip sauce:
1 chili (sliced)
1 tbsp fish sauce
1 tbsp sesame seed oil

1. After marinate the minced pork and fish, refrigerate for an hour.
2. 15 mins prior to pan-fry, put all ingredients together. Incorperate fish meat, minced pork with other veggie until smooth. Slightly wet your palm, get some mixture to press firmly, and to form a ball.
3. Coat each ball with corn starch, shake to remove excess. Fry the patties over moderate heat until both sides are browned and cooked. Season with salt. Cover for a minute during cooking.
4. Mix sauce ingredients to taste.

1. Choose your desired veggie, like water chestnut, bell pepper, chilies or other herbs to replace the above.
2. Do not touch ginger when preparing minced fish. Since there is fresh ginger sauce in the minced pork, just mix the pork and fish for a short while before frying. Otherwise, the minced fish is not springy enough.



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