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梅子鴨Braised duck with pickled plums


煮傳統菜式必須請媽媽出場,自上次表演傳統咕嚕肉至今已幾個月了。。她還帶備自家醃漬成四年的酸梅煮這個梅子鴨..流口水呢!除了酸梅及一隻不太嫩的番鴨,薑也很重要。這菜式用上子薑就更好了,可是子薑不是時候。 還是那句,不要讓傳統菜式失傳啊!

冰鮮番鴨(白鴨很酥,在街市有售)-> 用多一點粗鹽擦肚及全身
chilled muscovy duck(from market)->rub the whole duck with coarse salt especially inside

blanch with boiling water

color the duck skin with dark soya sauce when warm

repeat the other side

材料及調味: 番鴨,酸梅7-9粒,麵豉1湯匙,片糖1-2片,薑片約10片,蒜粒約15粒,紹興酒約2湯匙
Ingredients: muscovy duck, pickled plum 7-9pc, fermented bean paste 1tbs, brown slab sugar 1-2pc, slice ginger~10pc, garlic  cloves~10pc, Chinese wine ~2tbs

fry the ginger and garlic cloves->then fry the duck side by side-> add wine

put the mashed pickled plums and 2/3 pc of brown slab sugar inside of the duck

詳情可click入下面條link, 睇睇片
For details, please click the link below

梅子鴨part 1 You Tube
梅子鴨part 2  You Tube

add hot water and bring to boil in high heat for few mins, adjust to medium heat then

after boiled for 45mins, bring all the pickled plums from inside to the sauce -> turn the duck-> cook further 30mins->keep medium heat
情可click入下面條link, 睇睇片
For details, please click the link below

after cooking for around 1hr 15mins-> if sucessfully prick into the duck by a chopstick, it is tender enough ->take out the duck->remove oil on top->taste the sauce and add the remaining brown slab sugar-> turn to high heat-> thicken the sauce by adding a bit of corn starch

pour some plum sauce after cut


1. 個別梅子有不同酸及咸度,一般6-9粒
2. 切忌用細火炆鴨,鴨身易霉.
3. 鴨飛水後趁熱才上色
4. 靚的老抽,片糖和麵豉可到荃灣悦和醬油舖有售
5. 没有甜麵豉,可用日本麵豉取替,但稍為咸,要多加片糖

1. There are different degree of sourness and saltiness of individual pickled plums, use around 6to 9pc. 2. Do not cook the duck in low or very low heat as the texture of the duck will be turned into very soft, and even rotted.
3.Rub the dark soya sauce onto the duck when it is warm.
4. For good quality of dark soya sauce and other seasoning, please visit Yuet Wo shop at Tsuen Wan.
5. Replace the Chinese fermented bean paste by the Japanese miso but brown slab sugar should be added little bit more as it is more salty comparatively.



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