A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


松露雜菌意粉 Mixed mushroom spaghetti in truffle sauce

Pasta有很多變化, 可熱食,可凍食,跟海鮮,跟蔬菜,跟肉類,再配搭不同的醬汁及香草。在意大利麵食中,最基本不過的做法就是用extra virgin olive oil, 蒜片和辣椒...就是了。像薑蔥撈麵,吃其麵的原有味道。蒜香混合橄欖油是多麽的精彩。尤其用上未熟成的橄欖所做的油,其味帶點辛辣,充滿油香。


Long pasta: 
最常見的有spaghetti, 幼一點有vermicelli, angel hair。有闊麵pappardelle, 稍窄少少有tagliatelle 或叫fettuccine..自己最喜歡扁麵linguine。

Short pasta: 
有蝴蝶粉fartelle, 螺絲粉fusilli或spirali, 長管型,長通粉rigatonit 和penne,大大小小的蜆殼粉conchiglie。

Large pasta:

Filled pasta:
即是像餃子一樣,放入不同的餡料,有ravioli 或tortellini

Soup pasta:

雖然怎樣配搭也可。卻有一點點值得留意。長麵很適合跟少許醬汁一起吃,醬汁剛掛在麵上。做salad pasta, 選用短麵為佳,如螺旋粉,通粉,蜆殼,這些都跟其餘做salad的食材大小很相似。那麼醬汁很多的食譜,跟空心的管型粉或大粒的蜆殼粉就perfect match..就像食具一樣,盛載醬汁。如肉醬。


soak the Italian dried mushroom with plenty of water

用3-4湯匙extra virgin olive oil細火炒香蒜片及乾辣椒
saute garlic and chili with 3 to 4 tbs extra virgin olive oil in low heat

加入鮮菌炒-> 落鹽,黑椒,蕃荽->之後落乾菌連浸過的水
saute fresh mushroom-> season with parsley, salt and pepper-> then follow with dried mushroom and soaking water
待雜菌稍為收汁-> 加入2湯匙黑松露醬攪拌-> 熄火
cook the sauce until a bit thickened-> add 2 tbs of truffle sauce-> off heat after mix
意粉先煮,煮的時間比提供的少2分鐘->隔水後再用少許olive oil攪拌-> 放入鑊中跟雜菌撈匀 ->再落一點鹽,胡椒和蕃荽及黑醋
boil spaghetti 2mins less that according to the time provided on the packing-> then mix it with mixed mushroom-> season with extra parsley, salt and pepper,then balsamic vinegar

可跟沙律菜拌碟-> 再添加一點olive oil 和黑醋便可
garnish with salad vegetable-> sprinkle with extra olive oil and balsamic vinegar to serve

1. 鮮菌會出水,不需加水煮。
2. 待鲜菌汁稍微收乾先下松露醬,不然變得水汪汪,松露味不夠濃。松露多少跟個人口味。

1. No need to cook the mushroom with water.
2. Add 2tbs or more of truffle when the sauce is thickened. 


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