A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


薑汁蔥燒銀鱈魚 Pan fried codfish with ginger sauce and spring onion

不論白鱈魚,銀鱈魚,藍鱈魚,通通統稱為codfish。所以叫codfish種類很多。當然不同地區和不同品種價錢相差很大。並不是說這鱈魚貴是真,那鱈魚平是假。像食譜所用的便是美國的鱈魚,叫US black cod。顏色偏灰灰的。是最普遍不過的品種。美國是大量出產的。價錢不貴。

有幸訂購法國出產的冰鮮白鱈魚柳 ( chilled French codfish fillet)。顏色很白淨,相對大和厚身一點。價錢非常貴,要600元一kg。卻非常非常嫩滑,魚油很香。加上新鮮空運,味道很鮮。只需少許牛油,salt and pepper煎已美味!


材料: 銀鱈魚(用鹽,白胡椒粉, 酒先醃),蔥(切幼絲), 粟粉或生粉

醬汁: 新鮮薑汁 2湯匙,老抽1茶匙,生抽1茶匙,黄糖 少許,味醂2茶匙

Ingredients: US black codfish(marinate with Chinese wine, white pepper and salt), spring onion(sliced), corn starch

Sauce: 2 tbsp fresh ginger sauce, 1 tsp dark soya sauce, 1 tsp light soya sauce, a bit brown sugar and 2 tsp mirin

臨煎時用紙印乾, 兩面撲一些粟粉,煎香兩面並灑一點鹽
pat dry the fish steak before fry,  coat the fish with a bit corn starch, remove excess, fry both side and sprinkle with a bit salt
煎至兩面乾身金黃, 逐少掃上醬汁,待醬汁被魚吸收便可再掃, 約掃2-3次
brush the sauce on the fish steak until absorb,repeat 2 to 3 times
掃汁後保持細火,以免燒焦 重覆另一面
keep low heat as easy to get char, flip and repeat
saute spring onion with little bit salt at the same time, then place it on the fish steak, off heat, cook few mins further

place fish steak on a plate, pour the remaining sauce into the hot pan to warm or until sugar dissolved, serve with fish



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