A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


土匪腩排 Grilled pork belly with cumin and black sesame

土匪腩排是從土匪雞翼演變出來的。跟雞翼一樣, 超香脆, 想一食再食。感覺上没有雞翼那樣邪惡! 做法很方便, 是三五知己一路飮啤酒一路吃的小食。黑芝麻和小茴香這個組合很適合配肉類烹煮, 有去腥功效。不論腩排, 排骨, 豬扒, 豬頸肉, 甚至羊肉串也一一適合呀!

做到腩排脆口可用油炸, 氣炸。沒有氣炸鍋也不想油炸可選擇焗爐烤。以高温快速把肉烤熟烤脆, 把油迫出, 很方便快捷。肉外面脆身,內裡卻很juicy。這種煮食方法在其他食譜也會經常出現。

1. 帶少許肥的腩排(用少許鹽, 白胡椒粉, 紹興酒, 孜然粉, 芥末籽粉加少少水和油醃
2. 黑芝麻
3. 生粉或蕃薯粉

1. Skin off pork belly with little bit fat (marinate with a bit salt, white pepper, Chinese wine, ground cumin, ground mustard, water and oil)
2. Black sesame
3. Potato starch or corn starch

豬肉放回室溫, 醃肉汁棄掉。每粒豬肉沾上生粉
Bring the pork to room temperature, discard brine. Dredge the pork piece through the starch, turning it to get starch on both sides, shaking off any extra

Dip the pork piece in the sesame and turn it over to coat with them

預熱焗爐, 較grill 230度。焗架掃一㸃油
, 把沾上芝麻的腩排放上焗爐架, 再灑上孜然粉和海鹽, 放回焗爐中間位置, 先烤10分鐘。取出反轉, 把焗架升高一格。再烤5-7分鐘
Preheat oven, turn to grill 230 degrees Celsius. Brush oil on the oven rack and  place pork pieces on it. Grill for 10 mins at mid position. Flip the pork, put the rack at higher position. Continue to grill for 5 to 7 mins

放上碟, 再灑少許海鹽。外脆內裡juicy。 除啤酒外, 鹹檸7也不錯啊!
Season with extra sea salt, it is crispy and juicy, enjoy with a glass of beer or salted lemon in 7 up!




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