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自家製韓式醬炆蘿蔔牛仔骨 Braised beef short ribs and radish in homemade Korean sauce

韓式餸菜在日常生活已是不可決少的。韓國人造的醃漬, 醃醬更是出色。食譜的韓醬是自家製造, 味道跟一支支韓式牛肉醃醬有7成相似。少一㸃甜, 多一份清新。 
在此分享做醬的tips, 除非很熟悉醬油的成份。參考樽上的成份表確很有幫助。再一邊做一邊試味取得平衡。所以叫這醬做偽韓醬。偽韓醬很好味, 雖不及現成韓式醃醬濃郁, 但不會太甜, 好新鮮。當中的奇異果含酵素, 能令牛仔骨鬆軟。

A) 準備韓式醬(中辣):
     Preparation of the sauce (medium hot):

1. 蘋果細 1個去皮
2. 奇異果 2個去皮
3. 洋蔥 半個
4. 白蘿蔔 1小節, 横切出約5cm高
5. 韓國豐水梨 1個去皮
6. 薑 4cm長
7. 老抽 1湯匙(作上色),生抽1湯匙
8. 蠔油 1.5 湯匙
9. 黄糖 1.5 湯匙
10. 鹽 1湯匙
11. 米酒 1湯匙
12. 蘋果醋 1湯匙
13. 麻油 1湯匙
14. 黑椒磨碎 1-1.5湯匙
15. 辣椒粉 1茶匙 (怕辣可省減)
16. 獨子蒜 2粒切片

1. 1 Gala apple (peeled)
2. 2 kiwi (peeled)
3. Half onion
4. A chunk of radish (5cm long)
5. 1 Korean Hosui pear (peeled)
6. A chunk of fresh ginger around 4cm long
7. 1 tbsp dark soya sauce (enhance coloring)  1 tbsp light soya sauce
8. 1.5 tbsp oyster sauce
9. 1.5 tbsp brown sugar
10. 1 tbsp salt
11. 1 tbsp rice wine
12. 1 tbsp apple vinegar
13. 1 tbsp sesame oil
14. 1-1.5 tbsp ground black peppercorn
15. 1 tsp chili powder (optional)
16. 2 garlic cloves, sliced

把材料1-6打爛, 之後加入7-15。試味, 因應自己口味調節黑椒和鹽糖等。最後蒜片
Blend the ingredients 1-6, mix with 7-15. Taste and adjust the flavor, like black pepper, salt or sugar. Add sliced garlic at last

B) 醃牛仔骨:
     Marinate the beef short ribs:

2 吋厚牛仔骨切件, 冲洗印乾, 放入自製韓醬約半天至1天
Thickly cut the beef short ribs into 6 pieces, wash and dry, bring the short ribs into the brine for 1/2 to 1 day.

C) 炆牛仔骨做法:
     Cooking of beef short ribs:

牛仔骨(已醃), 洋蔥 1個切四份, 剩餘白蘿蔔 (部分做醬)
Beef short ribs (marinated), 1 onion, cut into 4, remaining radish (some for the sauce)


牛仔骨放回室溫, 刮去醬汁。熱少許油, 略煎兩面至金黄色
Bring the beef short ribs to room temperature, remove sauce on it. Heat oil, saute the ribs until brown

加入洋蔥, 蘿蔔略炒。注入全部醃醬, 細火炆至腍(約45-60分鐘), 大火煮10分鐘收濃汁
Add onion and radish, stir fry. Pour all the brine into the saucepan. Cook around 45-60 mins in low heat until tender, turn to high heat, reduce the sauce by cooking 10 more mins or until intense

很好味呀! 即做醬汁很清新。確有韓feel, 味道獨特。如果有時間, 下次煮牛一定再做。
The sauce is refreshing with Korea sauce feel. It is super yummy and unique. Must try again. Enjoy!


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