A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


自家製香茅醬系列: 烤香茅醬腩排 Homemade lemongrass paste series: Grilled pork belly with homemade lemongrass paste

在我食譜中, 腩排是經常出現的食材。特別用作烤焗, 油脂足夠又不過肥, 亦不容易過乾。最適合作三五知己或送啤酒的小食。當然用五花腩亦可, 但置於高温中烤焗容易爆油, 要好小心! 香脆熱氣的小食, 最適合配解肥膩的醬汁。除自家製香茅醬㚈, 青檸蜂蜜㸃汁也是經常出場....

1. 2條腩排 切粒(少少肥更好)
2. 自家製香茅醬 2湯匙
3. 鹽, 糖, 白胡椒粉, 生粉, 生抽各少許

1. 青檸汁 2湯匙
2. 優質茘枝蜜或其他蜜糖 約1.5湯匙

1. 2 pieces pork belly without skin, cut into cubes (choose with a bit fat)
2. 2 tablespoon homemade lemongrass paste
3. Salt, sugar, ground white pepper, corn starch, light soya sauce

Dip sauce:
1. 2 tablespoon lime juice
2. Around 1.5 tablespoon good quality litchi honey or others

1. 腩排用少許白胡椒粉, 生抽, 糖和香茅醬醃半天。
2. 放回室溫, 每粒撲上少許生粉。
3. 放於焗爐架, 並灑少許海鹽。
4. 預熱焗爐較grill 230度。
5. 把腩排放入焗爐中間高位置, 先烤10分鐘, 取出反轉, 再升高一格, 再烤8分鐘。

1. Marinate pork belly cubes with a bit soya sauce, sugar, white pepper and homemade lemongrass paste for half day.
2. Bring it to room temperature, dredge the pork cubes through the starch, turning it to get starch on both sides, shaking off any extra.
3. Place pork cubes on oven rack, sprinkle with some sea salt.
4. Preheat oven to grill 230 degrees Celsius.
5. Place rack at mid position, grill 10 mins. Take out the rack, flip the pork cubes, place back to the oven at higher position. Further grill around 8 mins.

準備㸃汁, 趁熱吃呀!
Prepare dip sauce, serve hot. Enjoy!



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