A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


沙茶醬炒墨魚粉絲 Pan fried cuttlefish and green bean vermicelli with Sa Cha sauce


家常小炒菜式, 游水墨魚很鮮味。 焯或炒都美味。若切得太薄, 墨魚味會不足亦容易過火。打横把刀斜切, 每片約半cm厚更好。

1. 新鮮墨魚 1隻
2. 泰國粉絲 (不易爛) 2扎 浸軟
3. 台灣製沙茶醬 2湯匙
4. 鹽, 糖, 生抽, 紹興酒各少許
5. 蔥花少許
6. 蒜 2粒, 乾蔥頭1小粒 各切幼


鮮墨魚洗淨, 隔去水, 先用1湯匙沙茶醬, 少許鹽, 酒略醃。熱油, 爆香蒜和乾蔥粒, 放入墨魚, 炒勻, 灑少許糖, 鹽。不要全熟, 取出備用

落油, 放入粉絲, 加一匙羹沙茶醬, 炒勻, 灑少許鹽和水, 炒至粉絲轉透明及軟

放回墨魚, 炒勻及熟透。熄火, 灑幾滴生抽

上碟, 灑上蔥花, 很好味呀!

1. 1 Fresh cuttlefish
2. Thai green bean vermicelli 2 small packs, soaked
3. 2 tablespoons Taiwanese Sa Cha sauce
4. Salt, sugar, light soya sauce and Chinese wine
5. Spring onion, finely chopped
6. 2 garlic cloves, 1 shallot, both finely chopped

1. Rinse and dry the cuttlefish after slice in 5mm thick. Marinate with 1tablespoon Sa Cha sauce and a bit wine for a while. Heat oil, saute garlic and shallot. Bring the cuttlefish in,  sprinkle with a bit salt and sugar, stir fry until medium done, take out and set aside.
2. Add little bit more oil, bring vermicelli and 1tablespoon Sa Cha sauce in, stir fry with little bit water. Season with a bit salt. Fry until soft and transparent.
3. Bring the cuttlefish back and mix well with vermicelli. Continue frying until squid is done. Off heat, season with a few drops of light soya sauce.
4. Sprinkle with spring onion, serve hot.

個別沙茶醬有不同甜鹹度。先試少少再調節鹽糖份量。有些台灣製, 特別古法製造的相對少鹹。且沙茶醬味香。可到永安超市或一些有售台灣食品公司購買。部分亦寫明無防腐劑。

There are different saltiness or sweetness of individual Sa Cha sauce. Taste first to adjust amount of salt and sugar then. For those Taiwanese made, it tastes less salty but much fragrant. Some without preservatives. It can be bought at Wing On supermarket or Taiwanese grocery store.


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