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鹽水浸雞翼 Poached chicken in salted water

簡易懶人食譜卻永無失埸。相同做法配多樣食材。如雞, 雞翼鴨翼鵝翼, 雞腎, 火雞腎, 雞脚鴨脚鵝掌, 甚至肥豬肉都令人一吃再吃。成功秘訣是鹽水調較至剛好有一㸃鹹, 放入雞翼後只滾幾分鐘。浸出來的雞翼便嫩滑入味了。

1. 雞中翼或雞全翼 
2. 八角 2粒
3. 薑連皮一大件, 拍爛
4. 蔥 幾束
5. 班蘭葉 一束約 5片(可省減)
6. 沙薑粉 2湯匙
7. 4-5湯匙鹽 (試味作準)
8. 水, 蓋過雞翼

把薑, 蔥, 班蘭葉, 八角, 沙薑粉和2湯匙鹽加水煲滾。試味後逐少加入剩餘的鹽至剛剛鹹便停止。中火滾約20分鐘

雞翼洗淨, 印乾水。放入熱湯中, 蓋住, 中大火滾起2, 3分鐘便可熄火, 讓雞翼浸在鹽水中。一小時後試味, 若太鹹, 先取出雞翼, 相反, 浸耐一㸃

若有剩餘班蘭葉可連同鹽水及浮面雞油煲飯, 有少少味都不錯

食的時候, 把雞翼上碟。滾熱鹽水淋上再倒出, 再淋上, 可重覆令雞翼翻熱。喜歡可灑多一些沙薑粉。很好味呀!

1. 若要浸全隻雞, 以細雞為例, 滾起煲10分鐘, 之後焗住。若雞肶位仍不夠熟, 再把鹽水滾起後熄火再浸。
2. 用鹽焗雞粉代替沙薑粉也可。但鹽要減少。

1. Whole or mid chicken wings
2. 2 star anise
3. A big chunk of ginger with peel, sliced
4. A bunch of scallion
5. A bunch of pandan leaves
6. 2 tablespoons sand ginger powder
7. 4-5 tablespoons sea salt
8. Water, enough to submerge the wings

1. Fill a large stockpot with water, add scallion, ginger slice, star anise, sand ginger powder, pandan leaves and 2 tablesoons of sea salt. Bring it to a boil in medium heat. Taste and gradually add in the remaining sea salt until just salty, continue boiling around 20 mins.
2. Add the wings in the broth, once boiling, cook further 2 to 3 mins with cover, off heat. Let the wings submerged.
3. Taste it in 1 hour later, if salty enough, take out the wings and set aside. If not, continue soaking the wings in the broth.
4. When serve, take out the wings, reheat the broth and pour on the wings for a few times to warm.
5. If there is extra pandan leaves, cook rice with it and some salted broth with chicken fat.

1. If cooking with whole chicken (small), once boiling after submerge the chicken into the stockpot, cook around 10 mins with cover. Soak it around 1 hour. Test if it is done by inserting a chopstick and poking into the thigh. If juices run clear, the chicken is done. Otherwise, bring the broth to a boil again, then off heat. Continue soaking the chicken further.
2. Replace the sand ginger powder to “spicy baked mix or salty chicken seasoning” but the amount of sea salt should be decreased.



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