A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


香蒜肉粒意粉 Spaghetti Americana

這意粉是似曾相識?似在pizza連鎖店食過的嗎?當中的肉粒比較腍和滑, 有一個小tips同大家分享。除了豬肉撈蛋白外, 把豬肉混合一㸃魚肉, 肉粒就變得有黏性, 不會有豬肉的粗糙。比例上,豬比魚約1:1,甚至2:1。有魚肉感覺但不會腥。

Spaghetti no.5 1包
免治豬肉和魚肉 1:1比例
甘筍 2條 切粒
白蘑菇 1盒, 1粒開4
洋蔥 1個 開8份
Parmesan cheese碎 半碗
Extra virgin olive oil 約半碗
蒜 5粒 切片(獨子蒜比較香)
乾辣椒 2隻

蒜粉 1-2茶匙
黑椒粒 適量
Ground mustard 1湯匙
鹽, 白胡椒粉 各少許

豬肉魚肉混合, 用筷子以同一方向攪匀至起膠。之後放入醃料, 攪勻,冷藏一陣

取出放室温, 熱pan冷油, 放入肉粒。儘量炒散成粒粒, 再灑一點鹽和黑椒, 取出備用

熱pan, 下橄欖油, 小火炒香蒜片和辣椒, 之後洋蔥, 蘑菇和甘筍(不需炒太耐免蘑菇出水), 下鹽和黑椒調味

放回肉粒, 讓肉粒粘上蒜油

意粉先煲, 跟包裝袋時間少1分鐘, 放入pan中跟配菜混合。下鹽, 黑椒調味,之後下一半Parmesan cheese, 撈勻

上碟, 再多灑少許黑椒, Parmesan cheese. Enjoy!


1 pack of No.5 spaghetti
Minced pork and fish meat, ratio 1:1
2 carrots, diced
1 pack of White button mushrooms, cut into 4
1 onion, cut into 8
1/2 bowl of parmesan cheese
1/2 bowl of extra virgin olive oil
5 cloves of garlic, sliced
2 pcs of dried chili

1-2 tsp garlic powder
Ground black peppercorn
1 tbsp ground mustard
A bit salt and ground white pepper

1. Mix minced pork and fish meat, stir in one direction until smooth and springy.
2. Add marinade, mix well, refrigerate for an hour.
3. Bring the mixture to room temperature. Turn on heat, add oil, stir fry the mixed meat until browned. Set aside.
4. Then, add olive oil, saute garlic and dried chili until fragrant.
5. Stir fry the onion, carrots and mushrooms. Season with salt and black pepper.
6. Put the meat back, stir to mix well.
7. At the same time, boil spaghetti 1 min less than the time provided from the packing. Mix it with the meat and veggie. Season with salt, black pepper and 1/2 parmesan cheese.
8. Serve hot with extra ground black pepper and parmesan cheese.

For better flavor, use more extra virgin olive oil and garlic. 


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