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如何清洗豬肚? 腐竹白果胡椒豬肚湯 How to clean a pork stomach? Pork stomach white peppercorn soup with bean curd sheet and ginkgo

很多朋友也喜歡豬肚湯, 特別加入胡椒。胡椒豬肚湯是粵菜老火湯。一般有鹹酸菜胡椒豬肚湯和加入腐竹白果那種,各有愛戴。從食療角度, 它能袪風散寒, 暖胃, 健脾。適合體弱血氣差人仕。但燥熱底宜少吃。

想飲卻怕清潔豬肚是大部分人的想法, 包括自己。可以選擇急凍的但不夠鮮甜。部分也不太清潔。現今豬肉檔也會為客人清洗或處理得很乾淨。叫豬肚卻是豬的胃部, 清洗時, 要把胃部黏膜清除。動動手, 一㸃也不難啊!做法源於媽媽的, 當中加入少量紅棗平衡豬肚的異味。煲的過程已很香。湯夠熱, 跟豬肚白果一起食, 全身暖和呀! 唯一不足是腐竹不夠靚, 煲不溶。

A) 如何清潔新鮮豬肚
How to cleanse a raw pork stomach

A pack of pork stomach from local supermarket, not fully cleansed.

首先, 用鹽, 生粉磨擦以清潔表面, 再反轉清洗內裡滑潺潺黏膜, 冲水後重複直至不再有潺。
Rub the outside of the pork stomach with salt and corn starch to remove dirt. Turn inside out, continue rubbing, then rinse under running water. Repeat until no more mucus on it

Slick but no more mucus

飛水後, 刮走側邊白色膜(飛水前刮不到), 再清洗便可
Blanch the pork stomach with boiling water. Scratch the white membrane off. Rinse again and set aside

B) 腐竹白果胡椒豬肚湯
Pork stomach white peppercorn soup with bean curd sheet and ginkgo

1. 新鮮豬肚(已清潔飛水) 1個
2. 白果 (有殼的會更香) 適量
3. 腐竹 三片壓碎
4. 紅棗 6粒大 或 8-10粒細 剪開
5. 瘦肉/豬展/排骨(飛水) 少量
6. 白胡椒粒 1湯匙 另加1-2湯匙壓碎
7. 鹽 少許
8. 果皮 1片


把所有材料放入滾水中, 煲1.5-2小時 (最後15分鐘大火) 或煲至豬肚夠腍。試味後若胡椒味不夠, 取出一點再壓爛, 加鹽

剪開豬肚拌入湯中, 湯很濃又夠甜。華記的豬肚没有臭味。湯好飲, 豬肚很好吃, 非常暖和。下次必選樹記腐竹呢!

1. One Raw pork stomach (cleansed and blanched)  
2. Ginkgo 1pack or half bowl
3. Dried bean curd sheet 3pc (crushed)
4. Red date 6 pc (big) or 8-10 (small)
5. A small pc of lean pork meat or pork ribs (blanched)
6. 1 tablespoon Whole white peppercorn plus 1-2 tablespoon crushed 
7. Salt
8. A pc of aged fruit peel

1. Prepare a stockpot, bring water to a boil.
2. Put all ingredients in except salt.
3. Boil for 1.5 - 2 hours in low heat (turn to high heat at last 15 mins).
4. Season with salt.
5. Slice the pork stomach, serve with hot soup.


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