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Parma ham黑毛豬肉丸配粟米汁 Iberico pork meat balls with Parma ham in corn sauce

能感受到滑滑的粟米汁和惹味的Parma ham肉丸嗎?肉丸本身濃味夠油香,與清甜有機粟米汁,很夾,配白飯一流!除肉丸外,雞肉,豬肉,帶子均可。

西班牙黑毛豬梅頭 或其他豬肉 400g (攪碎)
Parma ham 3片
生粉 1湯匙
糖 少許
薑汁 1茶匙
Nutmeg 1/3 茶匙
Brandy 1湯匙
芫荽籽粉 1茶匙
黑椒 少許
Parsely 適量
Oregano 適量
水 1-2湯匙(可省卻)

有機粟米 2支
忌廉 2湯匙
水 1-1.5 碗水
牛油 2小件
麵粉 1湯匙
Parsley 少許
鹽 少許
Cayenne pepper 1/2茶匙(可省減)

1. Parma ham 略剪碎,混合碎肉。之後加入調味。單向攪勻,若太乾可逐少加入水。
2. 之後撻至起膠。放入雪櫃,最少半天。
3. 預熱煎pan, 把碎肉搓成肉丸,撲上生粉。
4. 煎熟及至金黄,備用。

5. 2條粟米,起出一粒粒。
6. 落牛油,炒香粟米, 落少許鹽調味。之後加入2湯匙忌廉。
7. 取出2-3湯匙粟米粒備用。其餘放入攪拌器,加2湯匙水打蓉。

8. 細火炒牛油,麵粉至幼滑。加入粟米蓉及1-1.5碗水。落少許鹽,乾番荽及1/3茶匙Cayenne pepper略煮。
9. 過篩。之後混合備用粟米粒。

10. 把粟米汁放入淺身煲,之後放上肉丸,細火把肉丸翻熱。熄火。原煲上枱,灑少許橄欖油,乾番荽及黑椒。

11. 拌飯,意粉均可。

Ingredients of meat balls:
400g Iberico pork butt or others (minced)
3 pcs Parma Ham
1 tbsp potato starch or cornstarch
A bit sugar
1 tsp ginger essence
1/3 tsp nutmeg
1 tbsp Brandy
1 tsp ground corriander seed
A bit black pepper
1-2 tbsp water (optional)

Ingredients of corn sauce:
2 organic corn
2 tbsp cream
1-1.5 bowls water
2 knob of butter
1 tbsp flour
A bit dried Parsley
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper (optional)

1. Coarsely chop the Parma Ham. Mix with the minced pork and seasonings.
2. Then throw and pound the minced pork until dense. Refrigerate for 1/2 day.
3. Take out the minced pork from the fridge. Get a spoonful of it, roll and form a meat ball. Finish the remaining. Then coat each meat ball with potato starch.
4. Preheat a pan, add oil. Fry the meat balls until golden brown and well done.
5. Remove the kernel from the corns.
6. In a saucepan, add a knob of butter, then fry the corn kernels. At last, add 2 tbsp of cream. Off heat.
7. Reserve 2-3 tbsp corn kernels. Put the remaining in a blender with 2 tbsp water. Process until puree.
8. In a saucepan, add butter and flour. Stir until smooth without lumps. Then, add the cream corn and 1-1.5 bowls of water. Bring it to a boil and simmer for a while. Season with dried Parsley and cayenne pepper. Off heat.
9. Drian the corn sauce through a fine sieve. Then, mix with the reserved corn kernels.
10. Pour corn sauce in a shallow pan, put the meat balls on sauce afterwards. Simmer the sauce until the meatballs are warm. Off heat, drizzle with extra virgin olive oil. Season with fresh ground black pepper and dried parsley.
11. Serve with rice or pasta.


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