A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


綠茶鹽單骨雞翼/醬油麥芽單骨雞翼 Single bone chicken wings with green tea salt/ Single bone chicken wings with soya sauce and Maltose



雞翼 15隻
綠茶粉 1茶匙
沖繩雪鹽 1茶匙 或其他幼海鹽

麥芽膏 1湯匙
老抽 1湯匙
生抽 少許


鹽,糖,油,生抽及芥末籽粉 各少許

1. 雞翼洗淨,打直開邊,完全印乾。
2. 加入醃料,以醃料剛包住雞翼便可,不要過濕。略醃。
3. 每件印上生粉,壓實,拍走多餘。焗架掃上油,之後放上雞翼,皮向下。
4. 預熱烤爐230度,把焗架放較高位置。先烤6,7分鐘。
5. 取出,反轉,皮向上,多烤5分鐘(不需太乾),取出備用。


6. 1茶匙鹽混合一茶匙綠茶粉。最小火,倒入一半綠茶粉,快速炒,並立即加入半份烤雞翼。快攪拌,熄火。上碟多灑一點綠茶鹽調味。


7. 老抽,生抽加麥芽放碟,坐熱水。使麥芽流順,再加少許山椒粉。
8. 細火,倒入麥芽醬汁,當起泡泡,立即倒入餘下雞翼,快速攪勻。熄火,上碟,再多灑少許山椒粉。


1. 烤好的雞翼儘快撈入調味能保持皮脆。
2. 雞翼不應烤太長時間,以造成肉乾。
3. 綠茶鹽,山椒粉可於日式超市購買。

Ingredients :
15 pcs chicken wings
1 tsp green tea powder
1 tsp fine sea salt

1 tbsp Maltose
1 tbsp dark soya sauce
A little bit light soya sauce
A pinch of Sansho powder

Potato starch

Marinades of chicken wings:
A little bit salt, sugar, light soya sauce, ground mustard and oil

1. After washed the chicken wings, cut it into half along the bone. Then dry them completely with kitchen paper.
2. Marinate the chicken for a short while.
3. Preheat oven and set grill mode to 230 degrees Celsius.  Coat each pc of chicken wing with potato starch.  Shake and remove excess flour.
4. Brush oil on a oven rack, put chicken wings on and skin side down. Put the rack at the upper position in the oven. Grill for 6, 7 mins.
5. Remove from the oven,  flip the chicken wings and continue grilling for further 5 mins. Take out and set aside.
6. For making chicken wings with green tea salt.  Just mix green tea powder with fine sea salt.  Set low heat,  put half portion of green tea salt, quickly stir. Then put half portion of the chicken wings inside. Again, stir quickly, off heat. Sprinkle with extra green tea salt on wings. Serve hot.
7. For making soya sauce flavor, put dark soya sauce, light soya sauce in a plate with Maltose and sprinkle with a bit Sansho powder.  Then sit it on hot water to promote the running of the Maltose.  Set low heat, pour sauce in pan, when there is bubbling, bring the remaining chicken wings together.  Quickly stir. Off heat, season with a pinch of Sansho powder. Serve hot.

1. For crispy skin, it is better to mix wings with sauce right after grilling.  
2. Do not over grill the chicken wings since the meat will be very dry.
3. Those Sansho powder and green tea salt could be bought at Japanese supermarkets.


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