A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


菠菜牛蒡卷/菠菜牛蒡甘筍卷 Spinach roll with Burdock root,Spinach roll with Burdock root and carrot



菠菜 約半斤 (只取葉)
牛蒡 半條 (近尖位)
白芝麻 約5湯匙 (已烘香)
甘筍 半條
捲壽司竹簾 1塊

老抽 1茶匙
味醂 1茶匙
麻油 1茶匙


1. 菠菜取葉,熱水加入少許油鹽,焯1/2分鐘。立即放入冰水中。待冷卻後隔水並印乾。
2. 牛蒡,以鍚紙上下刷去除部分表皮。之後刨成長絲。再沖洗。小煲煲水,加㸃鹽。放入牛蒡焯1分鐘。取出隔水。待冷卻混合調味。
3. 甘筍刨成長條。
4. 準備竹捲簾,放上保鮮紙。逐片菠菜葉平放,並重叠1/4。之後放上牛蒡絲,灑上芝麻(包括其他菠菜位置上)。用竹簾捲起,握緊。捲成壽司卷。用保鮮紙包好,扎實兩邊。冷藏一會。
5. 另一卷做法如上,但在牛蒡上再添加甘筍條。
6. 取出切件,兩邊沾上芝麻。拌芝麻醬食。

Ingredients (2 rolls):

300g Spinach (leaves only)
1/2 burdock root (lower part)
5 tbsp white sesame seeds (toasted)
1/2 carrot
1 bamboo sushi mat
Ice water

Burdock root marinades:
1 tsp dark soy sauce
1 tsp mirin
1 tsp sesame seed oil
A little bit salt

Dipping sauce:
Japanese sesame sauce

1. Blanch the spinach leaves with a little bit salt for 1/2 min, then put them in ice water for a while. Drain and dry. 
2. Rub the burdock root with a piece of aluminium foil until hard skin removed. Then, slice it long with a fruit peeler. Rinse and blanch the strips for 1 min. Drain and mix them with marinades.
3. Peel and slice the carrot with a fruit peeler.
4. Put a piece of plastic wrap on top of a bamboo sushi mat. Then, place the spinach leaf on top one by one and overlap 1/4. Put the burdock root strips on top of the leaves wrapper. Sprinkle with some white sesame seeds. Roll it tight. Finally, wrap the spinach roll with the plastic wrap. Twist both tips. Refrigerate for a while. 
5. Repeat another roll with burdock root strips and carrot strips as above.
6. Take out the spinach roll and slice it into few small rolls. Dip both tips of each roll in sesame seeds. Serve with Japanese sesame sauce. 


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