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焗有機芋片 Baked Organic Taro Chips



有機芋頭 1個(中型)
橄欖油 2-3湯匙
海鹽 適量

1. 帶手套洗淨芋頭,去皮。刨成薄片,愈薄愈脆。
2. 浸水一會並沖洗數次以去除澱粉。
3. 隔水,用紙印乾。撈入2湯匙橄欖油及少許鹽,讓每片芋片沾上。
4. 預熱焗爐,校熱風模式160度 (或上下發熱線170度)。把芋片放上焗架,熱風吹16-18分鐘(期間芋片轉乾,可再掃上油)。當見到表面油脂起泡泡,轉微黃,同時聞到有芋頭香味。反轉芋片並調低溫度至140度,焗10分鐘。之後芋片愈乾愈易轉得金黃,再調低溫度至120-130度,焗多10分鐘。
5. 完成,取出放涼入密封瓶。可保持脆口達數天。

A medium sized Taro
2-3 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
Sea salt

1. Put on gloves, rinse and peel the Taro. Then slice the Taro into thin pieces with a mandoline slicer. The thinner of the taro pieces, the more crispy of the chips.
2. Soak the pieces into water and rinse them for few times to remove starch.
3. Then strain and dry them with kitcken paper. Put the taro pieces in a mixing bowl. Add 2 tbsp of olive oil, a little bit sea salt,  toss well until each one is coated with oil.
4. Preheat oven and set to "Hot air " mode at 160°C . Put the taro pieces on an oven rack, do not overlap. Put the rack into the oven, middle level. Bake for about 16-18 minutes. If the taro pieces are dry, spray somemore olive oil on top. When there is bubbling on the pieces with aroma of taro, and turn light brown. Remove the rack from heat, flip the pieces. At the same time, adjust the temperature to 140 °C, continue to bake for 10 minutes. When the chips are moderate browned and crispy, lower the temperature to 120-130°C for further 10 minutes. 
5. Take out from the oven, cool and store in an airtight container. It may consume for few days. 


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