A blog with recipes and sharings about homemade food, healthy cooking, food science and microgreens


紫蘇麥芽南高梅汁 Nanko Plum in Perilla Frutescens and Maltose








材料(3樽 1L):
南高梅 1500g
古法麥芽膏 1500ml
有機紫蘇葉 1束 
白醋 (冲洗用)


1. 梅子浸鹽水15分鐘,用牙籤去蒂。冲洗並吹乾。
2. 白醋倒入大碗中,之後逐粒浸入冲洗,再放上架吹乾(有減少發霉機會)。

3. 玻璃瓶煲10分鐘消毒。每樽放入500g 梅子或平均分三份。
4. 原盒麥芽坐熱水(容易倒出)。直接倒入瓶中,儘量少用其他工具或手接觸。大約是樽的2/3,約500ml-700ml。
5. 廚房紙濕少許醋抹抹樽口,蓋上。頭三天,要定時倒轉讓頂層梅也沾到麥芽。不宜放至陽光直射地方。
6. 當見到頂部開始有泡泡時,打開蓋排出空氣。

7. 第三天,當梅汁開始滲出可準備紫蘇葉。摘下紫蘇葉,浸鹽水5分鐘,之後反覆搓揉,冲洗,過熟水,之後放架吹乾。

8. 用乾筷子把紫蘇葉放入樽底。存放陰涼地方,並不定時打開蓋排氣。

9. 南高梅水份高,一星期多已爆瀉。若有此情況,把梅汁連梅轉入大樽。

10. 2星期可飲用,浸到1個月,味道更佳。可用水,蘇打水或冰粒稀釋,味道酸甜,像很濃味的果汁,非常好飲。梅汁冷藏保存更佳且儘快飲用。若有異味或發霉,請立即棄掉。


Ingredients (1L bottle x 3) :
1500g Nanko plum
1500ml pure Maltose 
1 bunch of Perilla Frutescens 
White vinegar  (for rinsing)

1. Soak the plums in salty water for 15 mins. Wash and remove stalk tip with a toothpick. Then rinse under running water. 
2. Air dry the plums on a rack.
3. Rinse each plum through vinegar and place it back to the rack, continue to dry.
4. Boil jars for 10 mins, then dry. Put 500g of plums into each jar. 
5. Sit the whole bottle of Maltose in hot water (more easy to pour), pour the Maltose into each jar directly. Avoid touching with fingers. Wipe the rim of bottle with vinegar, close the jars.
6. Turn the jars upside down on and off in the first 3 day. Make sure those plums on the top layers are in contact with the Maltose.
7. If there are bubbles on the top, open the lid to release air from inside.
8. Prepare the Perilla at day 3. Remove Perilla stem, soak leaves in salty water for 5 mins. Gently rub and rinse the leaves under running water. After that, rinse them with cold drink water again. Then, air dry on a rack.
9. Put the leaves into the jars evenly with a pair of dried chopsticks. Store the jars in dry and cool area, and avoid direct sunlight. 
10. Since the juice from the plums will be drawn gradually. If the jar is full with too much air,  open the lid to release or transfer to a bigger bottle.
11. About a month, dilute the plum juice with ice water, soda water or ice cubes. It is better to refrigerate  and consume the juice as early as possible. Discard whenever there is odour or mould. 

*The plums look shrinken because of osmosis. If not, and the solution becomes turbid,  it suggests that the process is not successful. Discard immediately.


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